Whatever you are looking for to buy or rent in Amsterdam (or Netherlands in general) you can find it in http://www.marktplaats.nl/
It's in Dutch but you can use any free online translator. It is worth it. I found a great apartment at a good area and bicycles at ridiculous prices. It is like a local ebay but you just email or call the seller and meet in person for the transaction. Paypal and shipment can be used but as a fresh expat I would advise to see first and then pay ;-)
Anyway, Happy Easter everyone! I celebrated Easter Sunday 'traditionally' having kebab at a Turkish restaurant with my Buddhist wife and our muslim landlord hahahahahaha.
Well, I love international life :)
It's in Dutch but you can use any free online translator. It is worth it. I found a great apartment at a good area and bicycles at ridiculous prices. It is like a local ebay but you just email or call the seller and meet in person for the transaction. Paypal and shipment can be used but as a fresh expat I would advise to see first and then pay ;-)
Anyway, Happy Easter everyone! I celebrated Easter Sunday 'traditionally' having kebab at a Turkish restaurant with my Buddhist wife and our muslim landlord hahahahahaha.
Well, I love international life :)
P.S. More iPhone images from Amsterdam.
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